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Zone of the Dead

Zone of the Dead


Zone of the Dead (1st poster) 

Con todos ustedes la última película serbia (coproducción italo-serbia) de zombis: Zone of the Dead. (Blogger in the Shadows en Desde Serbia con horror)

El director, Milan Todorovic, es un mozalbete nacido en 1981 que allá en su Serbia natal se ha dedicado por entero a cultivar el género B de horror.

Entresaco de su web lo que comentan acerca de la película:

Zone of the Dead is a dramatic and exciting representation of the fear of the possible chaos which is offered by the present development of the society. This story, as well as the best achievements of this genre, draws attention to the corporations and governments, which carelessly destroy the nature's treasures. Although this screenplay tends to draw attention to the problems mentioned in a subtle way, the story is set in a John Carpenter manner, where the small group of people is in danger, surrounded by deadly mayhem. The evil which is dashing along the streets represents the skepticism towards the world, society and history, while the ecological disaster is a demonstration of the technological tendency to regression of the future.

Os dejo con su teaser.

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